Ladies' Ministry
Young Moms Meeting
All moms with babies and toddlers are welcome to join us on Tuesday mornings from 9:30-11am at Lift.
Moms connect over coffee and then we have a sing song time with the children.
A lively, noisy but encouraging time!
Ladies' Bible Study
We meet weekly on Friday morning, 9-11am at Lift for Bible study, prayer and to get to know each other.
coffee and chat at 9am
study starts 9:30am
close at 11am
Please note there is no childcare available during the Ladies' Bible Study
We would love you to join us as we grow together in our faith here in Switzerland.
Business Ladies' Bible Study
We meet at Lift between 7pm and 9pm on the last Friday of every month to share food together, for Bible study, prayer and to get to know each other. Please let Viviane know beforehand if you are coming so we can ensure there is enough food for everyone.
Ladies' evening meetings
3-4 times a year on a Friday evening the ladies gather together to connect and listen to an inspiring message. These are great evenings to invite your friends to!
Other Events
Every 2 years we join together for a Ladies' Retreat weekend.
If you would like more information or to sign up for our Friday morning mailing list please contact Jenni.