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Sunday Worship

We meet together as a church family to worship Jesus Christ at 10am on Sunday mornings at Sihlbruggstrasse 3a, 6340 Baar.


We come to encourage each other in Christ, to offer our hearts genuinely to God and to learn more about Him as revealed in the Bible.


Feel free to dress casually.

Sunday Worship

Children's Ministry

We have six different classes for kids age 0-11. During each Sunday morning sermon the children have their own faith lessons for life!


Those adults who have a passion to serve with kids are also needed throughout the school year to volunteer with Kids' Church.

Children's Ministry

Youth Ministry

Our youth ministry offers students from age 11-18 the opportunity to be a part of a multi-national community in which they find a place to fellowship and grow in their walk with God.


We meet on Sunday mornings here at Lift Church for our weekly Bible Study. We also have monthly Youth nights that offer the opportunity to connect with each other and with the Lord. 


Prayer Gathering

Once a month on a Sunday evening we meet in person at Lift Church from 6-7pm to pray for our local community, our nation and our world. Our first gathering in 2025 will be on 2nd February.


Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. (Philippians 4:6 NIV) 

Prayer Meetings

Small Groups

Small groups are how we want to be church together. We believe in discipleship through genuine community with each other.


A small group allows each member to add to the one body, providing a unique opportunity for all of us to grow in Christ.

Small Groups

Ladies' Ministry

We are ladies of all ages, nationalities and denominations who get together to study the Bible, share our lives, and pray for each other in the name of Jesus.


We meet with the goal of encouraging each other in our walk with God, and remembering to keep our eyes, hearts and minds on Jesus.

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Ladies' Ministry

Lift Cafe

Our Lift Cafe has a range of coffees, cakes, buns, bagels and other tasty goodies for sale. All proceeds go to charity !


Please come, relax and enjoy fellowship together - and invite your friends !


The cafe runs from 9am to 12pm on Wednesdays.


Guest bakers are always welcome. 

Men's Ministry

We are men of all ages and walks of life, single, married, divorced, of different cultures and many personal situations.


Together we spend time with our Lord and His Word, sharing the hope of salvation in Christ as men do, sharing pain and joy, holding each other accountable and encouraging each other to run the race that is set before us.

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Men's Ministry

Gospel Adventures (Missions)

We believe God has called Lift International Church to be a resource-base to help others to preach the Gospel all over the world. 



M.E.E.T. is a time of fellowship and community where anyone who would like to can come and share in a meal together.


There is no cost associated, but if you'd like to come and help with meal preparation we begin at 5pm in the church kitchen. 


M.E.E.T. normally happens each Monday. 

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Love on a Hanger

Love on a Hanger is a pre-loved ladies clothing boutique.


It opened in February 2018 with the sole purpose of raising money for vulnerable children around the world.


Ladies donate their good clothing and accessories to us and we resell them to the public.

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